MCNJ Results 2002

Last year's results are still available

2002 Teddy Bear Rallye
December 8th

Rallyemaster - Peter J. Schneider
Rallye Advisor - John Groot
A Toys for Tots - Special Event

Twenty-four teams gathered at the Saturn Dealer on Ridgedale Avenue in Morristown with Teddy Bears in hand, for our Annual Teddy Bear event. Entry is free except that you must bring a bear for the Marine Corp - Toys for Tots program. Peter Schneider is well-known for this event and includes photographic clues as part of the format. This year he also provided a short TSD leg with separate awards

Write up and results will be posted soon

The Mile sign

Notice that the pole ends at the top of the sign

The infamous Tractor

You shouldn't have seen it.

2 M.P.H.

Could there be more than 1 sign like this?

Tom Marciniak - Control 2

If you realized the sign was wrong

2 M.P.H.

Notice the fence

Steve Mauger and Steve Novatne

The start of the TSD Leg. It was a cold Checkpoint

One Lane Bridge

You never passed this sign

Rallyemaster - Peter Schneider

The end of the TSD Leg

The Schneiders

Happy Holidays

Crossroad sign

The right one

German Valley

Now Long Valley


The rest of the results will be posted as soon as possible

Expert Class
Position Car # Driver Navigator Total Score
1st Place
5 Brian Beckmann Lynn Beckmann  
2nd Place

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Intermediate Class
1st Place
1 Victor Franco
Stanhope, NJ
Cris Franco
2nd Place
3rd Place        
4th Place        
5th Place        
6th Place        
7th Place        

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Novice Class
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
9th Place
DLBF & Best First Time

Never Stop Wining - Oct 27
Rallyemaster - John & Marge Groot
Rallye Advisor - Peter Schneider

New Jersey is well known for great restaurants and ,believe it or not, some reasonably good wines. 20 teams decided to take the tour of 4 of the wineries and 6 of the Restaurants. The weather couldn't have cooperated any better and the fall foliage was at it's zenith. The Rallye went south to Harter Road off Route 287 for the OD check. Questions required the Rallyeists to identify the next instruction number after they spotted the scene shown in the pictures of wineries and restaurants.

The first trap came up almost immediately - L at 2nd SIG. Of course, a SIG is defined as an intersection of through, paved, public roads and the first light was at the entrance to an office park. Since that was not a SIG, it should not have been counted and the correct turn was at Maple Avenue not at Tempe Wick Rd.. Unfortunately, that error was expensive; 2 miles (200 Points) and 2 missed questions -Pierre's Bistro and The Grain House.

The next trap was a simple one. ETR through Bernardsville but since ETR is defined as a portion of the Route in which no answers to questions will be found, so the answer to Q1 (The Bernardsville Inn) was ?. The next trap involved L FOPP after traffic light. A traffic light is the physical light, not an intersection (SIG). The correct brought the teams past the Perrier bear and to Peter & JoAnn Schneider at the first Passage Control. The next trap was based on ONTO. L onto 533, then ETR 0.9 mile, then CHECKPOINT at RIP "GREENHOUSES". The only thing that cancels an onto is the first action of the next numbered instruction. 533 turned just after the CHECKPOINT and the correct route was to turn with it. The same trap was used on Harlingen Rd. L on Harlingen Rd. and R at T. This time if you failed to stay onto, you missed the first winery, LaFollette. Now we entered an area that MCNJ rarely uses; the roads near Zion between Routes 206 and 202, south of Flemington. This area is still very 'country'. Here the contestants encountered a trap that only one Novice and one Intermediate did correctly. R FOPP after a crossroad intersection. The word intersection tells us that these must be valid Rallye roads but the first one was not. The road on the left was dirt. The correct execution brought you to a control with Marge & John Groot and pretzel sticks. Several more restaurants and wineries dotted the remaining route along with a few more self-correcting traps.

The Rallye ended at The Sunset Inn in Clinton and everyone finished. As the cars arrived, they were treated to a view of hot air balloons overhead, colors vivid against the clear blue autumn sky.
Thanks to all the folks that participated and especially to Marge, Peter, JoAnn, Tom and Mike who worked the event.

Never Stop Wining
Rallyemasters - John & Marge Groot

Expert Class
Position Car # Driver Navigator Total Score
1st Place
5 Dan Pseja
River Vale, NJ
Diane Pseja
River Vale, NJ
2nd Place
12 Michael Szorentini
Airmont, NY
Tom Marciniak
Middlesex, NJ
3 10 Brian Beckmann Lynn Beckmann 682.0
4 8 Ed Peters Leeann Peters 1483.0

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Intermediate Class
1st Place
1 Victor Franco
Stanhope, NJ
Cris Franco
2nd Place
11 Joe Moreng
Upper Saddle River, NJ
Chuck Maeder
Midland Park, NJ
3rd Place 19 Pat Voskinarian Natalie Voskinarian 941.0
4th Place 9 Peter Holsberg Cathy Ann Vandergrift 1220.0
5th Place 2 John Giaquinto Stephanie Giaquinto 1411.0
6th Place 3 Jeff Talbot Ilona Pyrich 1658.0
7th Place 7 Michael Brooks Pepi Brooks 1663.0

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Novice Class
1st Place
6 Connie Correale
Morristown, NJ
Tracy Booth
Lake Hiawatha, NJ
2nd Place
18 Jonathan August
Whippany, NJ
Lisa Kim
Parsippany, NJ
3rd Place
14 Roy Durdik
Parsippany, NJ
Bryan Bowe
Flanders, NJ
9th Place
DLBF & Best First Time
20 David August Rebecca Pitts 2139.0
4 16 Lillian Lui Danny Lui 1544.0
5 13 Richard Siebert Deborah Cavalli 1819.0
6 13 Michael Weinstein Les Tuerk 1842.0
7 15 James Basso Nancy Lee 1999.0
8 17 Lisa Ellin Haym Hirsh 2023.0

The Rallyemaster explains opposing Stop signs

TwentyTeams Started in Wayne. Here they are at the Drivers Meeting

? - since the Bernards Inn was in an ETR

The SOL Grain House. This scene was after the left.

Pierre's Bistro if you turned at the correct SIG

You saw the Perrier Bear (and Peter & JoAnn) if you knew the difference between a SIG and a traffic light

Peter & JoAnn setup Control 1. Those are the new signs

CHECKPOINT did not cancel the ONTO 533

R LOPP before the Bridge Tenders shack

ONTO Harlingen Road.

If you followed Harlingen you came to the first winery - LaFollette

Marge and John wait for contestants at the 2nd Control. Only 2 make it.

Unionville Winery - Almost all the teams saw this one.

Harvest Moon Inn, Ringoes, NJ

Remember to Keep Right

The Last Covered Bridge in NJ at Sergeantsville

Point Breeze - Barbertown Rd. made a right

Kings Road Winery - A few of our teams stopped and sampled.

The Perryville Inn. The Last of the Questions

Pete listens as the Rallyemaster reviews the traps. He looks a little ill.

Click to expand the thumbnails
Pictures courtesy of the Francos and the Groots

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August Anguish - August 25
Rallyemaster - Ken Eicher
Rallye Advisor - John Groot

MCNJ Charter Member brough nostalgia to the August Rallye, reintroducing ODOTs (optional direction of travel) that were used 30 years ago. At ODOT intersection a Rallyist has the option of taking any available Rallye route (other than U-turns). If the chosen route was correct, a confirmation clue or the next instruction is found within 3 tenths of a mile. Although it adds an element of chance, the Rallye also included traps to test skill as well. Questions played a big part in our early Rallyes and Ken gave us 32 to ponder on.

Twenty-one cars started from the Burger King on Route 23. Almost half thecars were first-timers. The first trap was found in Pompton Lakes on the way to Oakland - R to avoid Dead End. please click to see the trap on out Rallye Tips page. There was no intersection at the first dead end. The correct execution was at the 2nd dead end. A quick run over Skyline Drive brought us to Conklintown Road and a question nailed to a telephone pole (the heading of the Rallye indicated that no answers would be found on telephone poles and the correct answer was ?.

Ken then showed the contestants the meaning of the third Route Following Priority several times during the event. The first was at the intersection of Magee and Stonetown Road. What made it tricky was the fact that the correct route wad down a hill which made it easy to miss. A panic pack was available for those who got confused but only two teams used them. Later in the Rallye a gas station coupled with a S as Possible caught a few teams. Click here to see a Rallye Tip on this trap.

The OD Leg brought us down near Upper Greenwood Lake to Route 23 and Sussex County. The Rallye ended at the Pit Stop in Landing, NJ on Lake Hopatcong. Most of the teams finished. The scores were high as you will see, probably because of the ODOTS .The results are posted below.

August Anguish
Rallyemaster - Ken Eicher

Expert Class
Position Driver Navigator Total Score
1st Place
David Alpert
Livingston, NJ
Steve Alpert
Livingston, NJ
2nd Place
Joan Fitzhugh
Morristown, NJ
Gil Fitzhugh
Morristown, NJ
  Brian Beckmann Lynn Beckmann DNF

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Intermediate Class
1st Place
Vincent Wing
Bayside, NY
Lawrence Hughes
Flushing, NY
2nd Place
Joe Moreng
Upper Saddle River, NJ
Chuck Maeder
Midland Park, NJ
3rd Place Michael Brooks Pepi Brooks 1354.7
4th Place Chuck Barnes Keith Barnes 1792.8
5th Place
Pat Voskinarian
Lake Hiawatha, NJ
Natalie Voskinarian
Lake Hiawatha, NJ

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Novice Class
1st Place
Jonathan August
Whippany, NJ
Sheila Burke
Parsippany, NJ
2nd Place
Michael Weinstein
Parsippany, NJ
Rosemarie Weinstein
Parsippany, NJ
3rd Place
Linda Moreng
Upper Saddle River, NJ
Lois LaPadula
Mahwah, NJ
4th Place
Best First Time
Donna DeLeo
Ringwood, NJ
Megan Talbot
Ringwood, NJ
5th Place Sue Parler Bernadette Wiltshire 2042.8
6th Place Lisa Ellin Haym Hirsh 2054.0
7th Place Patricia Frisbie Ralph Ianuzzi 2301.0
8th Place Bruce Blondina Doug Murray 2326.3
9th Place Joe DeAndrea Joey DeAndrea 2343.8
  Elsie Thompson John Thompson DNF
  John West Lindsey Kovolesky DNF
  John Bourdeau Mary Ellen Bourdeau DNF

Pictures of the August Event will be published soon.

Pictures from the July Rallye
Dan Pseja

Unfortunately, I was not on the July Rallye. Thanks to the Francos, we have pictures but I don't have a writeup or Results. It appears the Rallye was run in Bergen County but I need more info.

However, here are the pictures. Click on thumbnail image to expand.



Pictures from the July Rallye

Going Postal - June 2002
Rallye Write-Up Not Available

Expert Class
Position Driver Navigator Total Score
1st Place
David Alpert
Livingston, NJ
Steve Alpert
Livingston, NJ
2nd Place
Mike Szorentini
Spring Valley, NY
3rd Place Dan Pseja Diane Pseja 729
4th Place Steve Novatne Mike Krist DNC

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Intermediate Class
1st Place
Victor Franco
Stanhope, NJ
Chris Franco
Stanhope, NJ
2nd Place
Pete Holsberg
Columbus, NJ
Cathy Ann Vandergrift
Columbus, NJ
3rd Place Chuck Maeder Joe Moreng 1268

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Novice Class
1st Place
Pat Voskinarian
Lake Hiawatha, NJ
Marlene Pyatak
Lake Hiawatha, NJ
2nd Place
Kathy Booth
Westfield, NJ
Tracy Booth
Lake Hiawatha, NJ
3rd Place
Roy Durdik
Morris Plains, NJ
Bryan Bowe
Flanders, NJ
9th Place
Linda DiSimon
Bloomfield, NJ
Vicky Chalk
Nutley, NJ
4th Place Mary Chion Dennis Chan 1257
5th Place
Best 1st Time Trophy
Lilliian Lui Danny Lui 1332
6th Place Ralph Locke Susan Garrett 1636
7th Place Nancy Schulze Christann Canone 1782
8th Place Gabe Rukeyser Marcie Rukeyser 2028

June 2002

Our First Rallye was called the Mayflower 2002, written by Mike Szorentini and advised by Tom Marciniak. Mike and Tom are known for cleverly crafted self-correcting loops and we certainly saw many on this event. 16 teams started from the Burger King in Wayne. (click to expand picture)
Starter Mike Krist asks a question of Rallyemaster Mike Szorentini
 The first trap was an old one. R onto Ryerson Road. The first question was SOL: Where might one find Sleepy, Dopey and Doc. Immediately after the turn, we came upon.....
As may old time Rallyists know, Ryerson Road turns and those teams (all but one) came upon the Marciniak brothers at a control where they got a pretzel and saved themselves 200 points. Next was a simple trap. (click to expand picture - sorry, it's fuzzy)
Told to follow the Chilton Hospital signs which abound in the area; it was easy to get everyone back on course. If you missed the Ryerson turn you just got to follow more of them.
The Instruction read L at first street. The first street was named Fourth Street.(click to expand picture) Since first street is not a proper name, the correct execution was to turn on Fourth Street.
One of the questions was an SOL "UNITED _____  ______"(click to expand picture)

 The route then took us into western Morris County on Split Rock Road. A S as possible trap worked well on Split Rock. Click here to check the S as possible tip covering this trap. Questions were used to tell the Rallyemaster which traps people fell for. Check the Questions tip covering questions. We headed toward Boonton and came to another S as possible trap while traveling on (onto) Powerville Rd. This time however, there was a Powerville street sign and correct execution was Priority 2. An interesting trap was based on spelling. R on Meriden Rd. The first street sign indicated that it was Meridan Rd. so it was not the road we wanted. We continued for a long way but sure enough we came to Meriden Rd., the correct execution.

A long OD check brought us to Bergen County and to several more clever route following traps. Nevertheless, everyone completed the event. As you can see, except for the First Place Experts, the Alperts, good scores are not automatically the province of Experts. Experts often read too much into the instructions (yes, that's me).

Mike explains scoring to a contestant.
(click to expand picture)

Rallyists discuss the traps with the seated Marciniak Brother, Tom and Bernie.

The scores of the top three Intermediates show that. In fact, the First Place Intermediate team, despite being away from Rallying for many years, came in 2nd Overall They credited, brushing up on the Generals and the Rallye tips on this WEB site for making the difference. The Rallye ended in Mahwah at the Best Western on Route 17.

Mayflower 2002
by Mike Szorentini, Advised by Tom Marciniak

Expert Class
Position Driver Navigator Car # Questions
Total Score
1st Place
David Alpert
Livingston, NJ
Steve Alpert
Livingston, NJ
9 3 114
2nd Place
Marge Groot
Basking Ridge, NJ
John Groot
Basking Ridge, NJ
5 1 510
3rd Place Mike Krist n/a 11 3 520
4th Place Dan Pseja Diane Pseja 10 5 616
5th Place Joe Miller Rickey Miller 7 2 643

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Intermediate Class
1st Place
John Gancar
Voorhees, NJ
Shelley McGarry
Voorhees, NJ
1 4 270
2nd Place
Michael Brooks
Brooklyn, NY
Pepi Brooks
Brooklyn, NY
15 5 282
3rd Place John Giaquinto Stephanie Giaquinto 3 5 330
4th Place Ken Eicher Jo Eicher 16 6 907
5th Place Pat Voskinarian Natalie Voskinarian 8 6 1477

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Novice Class
1st Place
Jeff Talbot
Hewitt, NJ
Ilona Pyrich
Hewitt, NJ
2 4 820
2nd Place
Jignesh Panchel
Scotch Plains, NJ
Bryan Bowe
Flanders, NJ
14 5 835
3rd Place
Paul Brickfield
Ridgewood, NJ
Nancy Scappatica
Ridgewood, NJ
4 5 935
6th Place
Jerry Iacouzzi
Chatham, NJ
Marietta Iacouzzi
Chatham, NJ
6 9 1589
4th Place Roy Durdik Nancy Lee 13 5 1048
5th Place Nancy Schulze Christann Cannon 12 5 1509