No Thru TrafficPre-Registration

Motorsport Club of North Jersey
Invites You to Participate in a Road Rallye
Sunday, May 5, 2013

On the Road Again

Sign-up at 10:00 a.m., First Car off at 11:00 a.m.
Trophies will be awarded for each class:
1st, 2nd and 3rd Place in
Expert, Intermediate and Novice.

Come enjoy about 65 miles of spectacular roads and scenery. The rallye will test your ability to follow precise instructions along an intricate course at legal speeds on little-used public roads. This is not a race.

No rallying experience or special equipment is necessary. All you need is a car (any car will do) with a working odometer (a trip odometer is preferable), plus paper and pencil. A briefing will be held shortly after sign-up.  Please plan on staying after the rallye for lively discussion and the presentation of trophies, which should be complete no later than 4:00 pm.

Starting Point:  Please see Map below.

Ending Point: T.G.I. Fridays, Flemington NJ, immediately behind the McDonalds where the Rallye will start

Pre-registration Encouraged

$25 per car

Rallye Limited to 25 Cars So Pre-register Now—Don’t Get Shut Out!!!

This is important since we would like to know how many cars are likely to participate.
The general instructions and an explanation on how to interpret the general instructions will be emailed to you as soon as you pre-register, giving you plenty of time to study.  

Questions?  Call Michael or Pepi at (718) 376-4788 or

Driver's Name *:    Navigator's Name *:  
Driver's Complete Address *:   Navigator's Complete Address*:  
Driver's Phone *:    
Driver's E-Mail *:               


Class: Novice:,  Intermediate:,  Expert:
More than 2 people are permitted in the car: Other Names Please:
Please enter the following exactly as shown to foil automated spam HaveFun        

*  Required Field

View McDonald's, Flemington, NJ in a larger map
Starting Point: McDonald's
72 Reaville Ave. Flemington NJ 08822.
(908) 788-7078

View TGI Fridays, Flemington, NJ in a larger map
Ending Point: TGI Fridays
294 U.S. RTE 202/31
Get Directions \ Hours