California 2011

California 2010

California 2007
more pictures from previous years

Marge, John, Michael & Danielle, Jon & Scott, Jack & Barbara Jen & Jason
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House in Anchor Bay where many of the Coastal views were taken

V for Victory? or 2 glasses

Wine? What's Wine

Cook In

Havens Neck

Jack & Barbara Marks

Jason & Jen Marks

Jaunty Jon

Jon & John

Final evening - Marge, Jack, Barbara and Jon

Marge and son Michael and his fiance Danielle

Rosso & Bianco, Coppola'a new place

The Chinese Dinner - Chef Jon, Sou Chef Jack

The last day. Fog bank and the Coastal Cliffs

Jon & Scott Dickson, The Marks Family
please click on the images to expand